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(click on titles below each project or work for details)

Arch Project (2012)

Paint Toolbox (2012)

"Apple" Table (2012)

Handmade Instrument: Found Objects (2013)

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"QR Code Scanvenger Hunt" (2013)
Intermedia II Project 4: Late March-April 2013 in my Spring 2013 Semester at the University of Nebraska-Omaha. | This project was required to be an "Interactive" Art Project with a partner, so my classmate Cole Miller and I made this project, of QR Codes, that were scattered around the Art Building at the UNO Campus as a "Scan-venger" Hunt. We chose QR Codes because the majority of the modern culture owns or can operate a Smart Phone, and QR Codes are becoming increasingly more frequent very rapidly and a QR Code can be read easily by a free application download to a Smart Phone. These codes when scanned, includes riddles to the next clue to bring you to the end (9 Locations total including the starting point at Room 107). The first picture is the starting point at Room 107 and says there will be a reward at the end (for added incentive), and the 2nd and 3rd photos on the last row above are the last location. The 2nd photo which is above photo 3 on the bottom row, is a code that links to the building's history on the University website, and the 3rd photo on the bottom row is the final reward, which links the phone to a Facebook Page giving the person a chance to "like" the page titled "I Completed the WFAB (Weber Fine Arts Building) Scavenger Hunt". Each code is deciphered below:

Riddle 1 (Room 107 to Art Gallery)
There it is. Very formal and under proper lighting. Do not touch what is on the walls they are hung with care. The door is not always open, but when it does, admire what is within.

Riddle 2 (Art Gallery to Snack Machine)
Do you feel that? The growl coming  from within? There is a place to quell the beast, but you must give an offering to the mechanical being.

Riddle 3 (Snack Machine to Elevator)
Press the button to move the metal wall, and into the box suspended by cables. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Remember, this side up.

Riddle 4 (Elevator to Fire Extinguisher 2nd Floor)
So many buttons, which one to choose? Relax, take two. Upon arrival, please break glass in case of emergency.

Riddle 5 (Fire Extinguisher 2nd Floor to 3rd Floor Stair Windows)
Can you make the climb? Look to the north. It’s no Everest, but not many make it up to the top of this man made mountain. Although, I hear it has quite a view.

Riddle 6 (3rd Floor Stair Windows to Career wall 3rd Floor)
You’re not done climbing yet, you’re just to the summit. When you reach the peak, it’s just the beginning. A paper wall of fate and decision that lies next to a sofa awaits your judgment.

Riddle 7 (Career wall 3rd Floor to South Side Stairs Floor 0)
A downward descent, into the abyss. From the south side of the summit, a narrow path down. All the way down. Don’t turn back until you reach the end.

Riddle 8 (South Side Stairs Floor 0 to Black Box Floor 0)
The last place is where you come first, into the doors to this building, stands a metal twist. This is the monument to end this long list. These people who guard it hide what you reap. The chest with your treasure lies beneath their feet.

"Lego Clay Project" (2012)
2-Part Clay Project recreating "Favorite Childhood Toys",
Mine were Legos. Clay, White (applied to look rustic) & Black glazes, Fired. (2012)

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